Goh Yoga

Nov 5, 20203 min

A Time to Surrender

2020 has been a rollercoaster of uncertainty. This year has taught us a lot about letting go, (and if you haven't you're probably meeting a lot of resistance), slowing down, looking after our health (mindfully and physically), going with the flow, surrendering to the fact that anything could change over night. Uncertainty with jobs, finances, seeing loved ones, and plans/trips being cancelled; it is no wonder we are fed-up and our mental wellbeing is suffering.

I feel you, completely! I am also struggling to flow with the lessons of surrendering, connecting to the yin side of me as all I have known is go go gooooo (growing up with my parents constantly working)!

As we now enter our second national lockdown in the UK, more plans cancelled, more of us off work trying to adapt again, and more uncertainty. Sending you big squisheee virtual hugs, and I hope that you feel more prepared and positive about this one... I definitely feel more prepared and working on the positive approach. Just being real, I am both grateful and pissed off, we are human and we live in duality; we can be both, we can be both at peace and frustrated by our circumstances. I am finding peace with the intention that - what is meant for me, will be and what isn't will pass - surrendering to this truth of going with my authentic flow. I invite you to do so too.

'My heart is at ease knowing that what is meant for me will never miss me, and that which misses me was never meant for me.' - Imam al-Shafi'i

The years of yoga practice has taught me the importance of balancing both yin and yang energies. We are both, which is the duality of our being. When I first started my yoga journey, I was only into the power and ashtanga classes as meditations and yin yoga classes bored me. I would say I was definitely more in my yang (what I watched my parents do). As I get older, I understand the balance of connecting to both, that actually I need more yin to balance out my yang tendencies. AND I NOW LOVE YIN YOGA! (See picture below of yin and yang qualities)

Image from yinspiredyoga.com

Yin yoga teaches us to slow down to be able to hear what we need. It has personally taught me a lot about stillness, peace with just being with myself, to surrender, to accept and be gentle with my body, to indulge in a slower rhythm, and to connect to a more introspective and meditative practice through my body. It has also taught me about expectations - to remember that the intention is the same but the approach may be different, so don't arrive with expectations; instead listen, and be present. I would love to hear what yin yoga has taught you?

As always, yoga is a personal practice. So remember that every time we come to practice it is always different, arrive with no expectation of what your body should do, just allow yourself to be present in what is available for your body today. Taking this intention off the mat we can teach ourselves to surrender, to be present without judgement.

"What will be, will be. I surrender."

Surrender... Acceptance of your yin side, going with flow, finding stillness. Be in each pose by pose, surrender to the experience of each pose, breathe, find your limit, hold, and resolve to be still. Enjoy this free indulgent yin yoga class.

"I allow what flows to flow, what comes my way does, and what doesn't, doesn't."

Yin Yoga is every Monday at 8pm. If you would like to join live, please book here

During lockdown I will be offering an extended timetable, see below:

You can book your place here . I hope to see you in practice soon!